Sunday, December 26, 2010

It's back to the zoo..

We love going to the zoo cos Kyle loves looking at the animals. His animal of the trip today was the white tiger. He watched them closely and did not want to take his eyes off them even though we wanted to take a family photo. Grrrrr!!!!!

Xmas is here 2010!!!!

Xmas is a time to spend with family and close friends. I would like to take this opportunity to thank every single one of you who made a difference in my life. I feel blessed to have you and will treasure all of you. 

MBS Skypark

Thanks to my darling Grace for inviting us to MBS! Sincerely grateful, we had a fantastic time. The view was awesome and so were the people. Muackz.  

KL Trip Dec 2010

We took a drive up to KL on the 17-19th of Dec. We expected it to be really crowded in KL but the trip was smooth and we had a great time eating, shopping and bonding. The shopping malls had amazing decorations for xmas and we had lovely backdrops for many fabulous pics!!