Thursday, June 3, 2010

Kyle's first visit to Auntie Selly's new place

As the holidays are here, Selly is officially as free as I am. Haha! So I decided to bring Kyle over for a visit to her humble abode at Farrer Road. A session which lasted from 11am to 5pm! Do not ask me why I stayed so long but time just flew by. We chat chatted, played with baby, had lunch, chit chatted some more and watched the DVD Valentine's Day together. This was followed by a short trip to the supermarket and picking up Amanda and Aidan, before Selly sent me home. Thank you Selly for keeping Kyle and myself company today! We had a wonderful time.

In daddy's car, on the way to Farrer Road

Teenage Mutant Ninja Baby

Naughty Kyle bullied Auntie Selly

Surrounded by toys

We love you Auntie Selly!

In the evening, we went to Jojo's darts pub to support Shirley and Ice as they tried to qualify to vie for $500. Only 3 pairs qualified tonight and I am proud to say that SHIRLEY & ICE QUALIFIED!! Good darts gals!! You really killed all the noisy uncles tonight!! 

Good darts Kyle's Godma!!

Auntie Ice and Kyle

Kyle was a babe magnet, much to the delight of his dad who was carrying him when Ice started playing

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