Sunday, August 22, 2010

Day 10 - 13: Sydney here we come!

This is the first time I visited Sydney. I love all the sights and shops but I can't say the same about the people. In order not to offend anybody, I would just say that Cass made the right choice to study in Melbourne. I was so busy packing for this trip I forgot to bring my camera charger, thus I only had photos of Sydney on the first day. The rest of the photos were taken by Nic and I would upload them once I had them. 
Touchdown Sydney!

Pooing in the toilet!

The streets look similar to Melbourne

Sydney Chinatown

My baby was tired after waking up at 530am

My mum's feet was hurting her

Queen Victoria

Ancient lift

Queen Victoria Building

I heart Supre

I can't remember the name, but I saw this tower on Biggest Loser Australia 

We had Spanish food for dinner

Kyle was a good boy while we ate

Spanish Seafood Rice

Yummy Spanish Food

Tuck in Kyle

The cabs did not want to take us cos of Kyle, so we walked back to the hotel

Apparently in Sydney, babies HAVE to be in car seats when in a vehicle. 

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