Sunday, August 22, 2010

Day 5: Visit to Cass' School

Although my sister has been in Melbourne for 3 years, this is first time I has visiting her in Melbourne. Thus Cass was excited to bring my to her school, Monash University and the places she hung out around her Uni.  

Bright and early, Kyle looks awake

Cass loves this brunch place that is near her school

Bagel with egg and ham

I love the rye bread with egg and ham

The mushrooms looks black and burnt but they taste great!

Yummy yummy

The back of the cafe is damn stylo

Name of the cafe is Las Chicas, cool

Next we went to this huge mall called Chatstone. 
Someone gave Kyle a ballon and he loved holding it. 

The adults had a fancy french dinner appointment while the 'kids' had steamboat dinner at home.

We love steamboat, so we were happy still.

Kyle was happy too cos Uncle Alex held him so high up!

We could not wait to tuck in

Uncle Ryan baby sitting Kyle

We brought the mattress down to the living room so Kyle could crawl around

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